Hi Monkeys,
While reading back on this blog I have realized that we have done some funny things that may or may not have been funny/entertaining to you. You may think that all we do is stick our negative opinion online and drink. But, honestly we are genuine people. We are free thinkers and have a great outlook on life. We consider ourselves smart and compassionate. So on that note we thank you for reading the blog even if it is a little ridiculous. But did you honestly think I would leave you without some sort of funny story? Pshh, yeah right.
"Chad the lawyer"
Last night down at our local illegal Pete's the staff was short handed and people were pouring in to get food and drinks. Ronnie was working double time to help make food and serve drinks. Needless to say he was running around like crazy. All of this running around was just fueling the fire inside of him. Let me jump ahead to later in the evening. Across the street a new bar went up called The Tavern. It's a local Chad McBro hang out were popping your collar will never go out of style. Luckily, for illegal Pete's The Tavern's food is really expensive so, they get people to come over before a night of drinking and dishing out bad pick up lines. Two Chads walk in and order food and a beer a piece. Everything is fine until...Chads drink is half empty and needs to get back to the Tavern. The conversation went something like this.
"Hey, hey bro."
"What can I do for you man?" said Ronnie.
"Where are your to go cups?" replies the Chad.
"You want a to go cup for your beer? Nope, not going to happen."
"Are you serious? But I'm a lawyer in the DTC, I know all the laws"
"I don't care what you are, I can't give out beer to go."
So at this point the Chad is getting mad, and Ronnie is getting so fired up he is starting to shake.
The Chad goes back over to his friend and Ronnie points to the friend and says...
..."You're a lawyer too?"
And the kid replies with "Yup!"
So two lawyers walk into bar looking to do something Illegal, It was pretty classic because they are feeding this bullshit to girls at Chad bars all over the place. I don't know who is more retarded, the Chads or the pathetic women who fall for this shit. Whatever happened to just beating women over the head with a stick like cavemen used to do. I think the modern day club to the head is the shitty pick up line and fake bravado, and if that doesn't work, they can always use the back up plan...The date rape drug.
I hate Chads, put your collar down.
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