Friday, November 30, 2007
I want to eat molli and nicks "my favorite muffins"
Nick has some video updates that should be posted soon. For some reason things have not been to crazy/funny when we go out. I think we hit a dry spell. Sign up people! please! To sign up just send an email to and ill add you as an author.
That's all for now. Bye.
oh go read jasons awesome blog
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I want chocolate. And I want it nooooow!
It's time for some changes and this is step one. Hopefully this blog will inspire people to make some changes as well and hopefully seek personal happiness with whatever you wish to do.
Also our party is coming up fast and we will have the invites out very soon, so keep posted.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
12 weeks from now...
Here it is. Our last meal. Look at it in all its glory. How it sparkles like a diamond. 2 Angus meals from Burger King with all the trimmings. Mmm.
Here we are literally moments before nasty, sweaty consumption. Check it out.
Now, there is a bad side to all of this hotness and tangy-sweet sexiness... 1. The work. We will be following the 12-week program from Our workout selection is the Tyler Durden. Hot. 2. The food. Yikes. Check out some of the recommendations...
Meat free? Am I reading that right? Meat free sausage? That's like calling a cracker a tasty Angus burger from burger king (Oh God, I can't get it off my mind). How dare these people.
I don't know what pups is/are, but this is frightening.
If you want to stick it out with us, we begin tomorrow, November 28th. That means we will be finished on February 20th. 12 weeks to a tasty new you! AWWW YEAH!
At the end, we will look like this guy...
This is the guy that created the program. Follow along and post your shit.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
why do you gotta look like health.
oh great, ronnie just got a gernarde launcher. hahaha gernarde. hahahahahaha
who needs another drink?! this guy.
My Great American Cougar Hunt.
As I lace up my boots and put on my best cologne...I have one last thing to say. I only bag 5 star cougars.
Zac's Great American Cougar hunt.....
I am tossing in Zac as the bait.
Can he lure her in?
Let us become familiar with this skillful hunter, The "Kewg" a.k.a Cougar.
Noun. A 35+ year old attractive female who is on the "hunt" for a much younger, energetic, willing-to-do-anything male. The cougar can frequently be seen in a padded bra, cleavage exposed, propped up against a swanky bar in San Francisco (or other cities)waiting, watching, calculating; gearing up to sink her claws into an innocent young and strapping buck who happens to cross her path. "Man is cougar's number one prey"
The challenge here is for Zac is to "bag" a Kewg that is worth a 5-star achievement. He will need to use all resources to become the clever prey and lure her in. The Kewgs are listed below in 3 different categories. 3-star, 4-star and the ultimate "bag" the 5-star cougar. Now needing to reach the 5-star he will need to add "requirements" to a 3, or 4-star kewg to meet this challenge.
3-Star Performance (meets listed below and needs 2 more "additional requirements" to make 5 star)
- Over 35 and hot
- She has had “work”done
4-Star Performance (meets all listed below plus one "additional requirement" make 5 star)
- Over 38 and hot
- She has had “work”done
- At least 1 child
- She drives her ex-husband's Mercedes or BMW
5-Star Performance Over 43 and hot (and meets one of the following:)
- Owns private jet
- She has had “work”done
- She's still married-she and her husband like to swing
- You bag the Kewg and her 18 year old kitten
- She is famous, or was married to someone that was
- She drives a car worth more than a year of school at Harvard
Additional requirements (add any below to a 3 or 4 star to make a 5-star)
At least one 1 child
Driving an automobile worth more than a year at Harvard University
You are younger than her oldest child
She has grand kids
She has a second house in Summit, Pitkin or Routt county
Her first home is in LA and her second home is in Colorado
Ex-husband is worth over $1million
Her job is to go to the mall, the gym, the spa, the tanning salon and/or PTA meetings
She’s famous, or divorced from someone famous
She spent over $100 on you in one night
She has absolutely no desire to “just talk” or “take it slow”
You are the first person she has been with in a year that didn’t need Viagra
good luck my friend.
Make us proud
Thanks to funkmasterb for the help on challenge and requirements.
we then headed to the robosto room..... no one wanted a drink, but me. so i got one. ha. jason decided that he wanted to get tough and wanted to fight people, (wow that sounds like me. hahahaha) so i fired my beer down and we took off. hahaha. i wasn't in the mood, at all. we got back to the car, and lucy threw his papa johns sign on his car.... no tickets? yeah thats right!
when we got home, jason and i had thanksgiving again, in sandwich form. i wish thanksgiving was every week. the way to my heart is amazing food, and thanksgiving is amazing food.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Wow, Im offical....
Its Nov 19th at about 7:28pm EST here in Tampa,FL. I am excited to be an offical member of the APACO group! I am very pleased to be apart of this presteigious group of people. Im excited to see whats going to happen in the up and coming months/years with this. Its a great idea. I cant wait to fucking party!!!! To my friends, ZAC, RYAN, NICK etc.... you guys are fucking amazing!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
jay who?
zac pretty much nailed the night, but i thought i needed to comment on that.
the party is going to be the best night of everyones lives, so everyone whos anyone will be there. don't get left out, cause you'll probably end up killing yourself.
Jay cutler is frumpy and needs to wear an undershirt!
p.s. please forgive my crappy post and writing skills because I'm still drunk and not n the right state of mind.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Geeks who drink, I mean suck
we played Geeks Who Drink trivia last night at Illegal Pete's. It was fun. We had a great time... UNTIL WE LOST!!! Not only did we LOSE, we came in LAST!!! Holy shit... not even one team left or was too drunk to perform. Wow. I mean yikes. Oh well. I don't really have it in me to post more about getting destroyed, but maybe someone else could come next time and take a dive so we don't finish DEAD F'ING LAST
PS You're making a German spectacle of yo'self BABY!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
This is a serious post.
Don't give up hope
Hey Paul, FUCK OFF
More updates to come from the jumbo soon. Keep checking back, and sign up, shoot us your email and get signed up... except for Paul. No Paul.
Lotsa Love, (Except for Paul)
Saturday, November 10, 2007
I'm already pregnant, so what other kinda shenanigan could I get in to?
No Country For Old Men
There Will Be Blood
The Golden Compass
The Counterfeiters
The Bucket List
Finishing the Game
Let's all go to the speak easy.... The 1940's is sooo cool.
Tara(Pauls girl)
and some other people who I cant remember right now. Anyway it was a fun time and I had two more beers and thank god got a ride home from ryan or else I would have had to get a cab. And that would of been gay. But on that note if you missed last weeks episode of south park I HIGHLY suggest going to and watch it. So im out to go home and eat cinnamon toast crunch...yum.!
Friday, November 9, 2007
answer: ok, but it's gonna cost me two hours cleaning the bar, a dry cleaning bill and a sprained thumb.
ok, from the begining....
i'm bartending at pete's and some people ask for some frozen top self margaritas. i pull out the blender and throw one maragarita in there.... it seems to be doing well, so i add the next one. everything seems great till i hear a crazy clicking sound from the blender. i turn around and the blender is going god damn crazy. it looked like the stupid bitch from poltergeist. the blender is spinning uncontrolably, so i go to stop it.... the handle rocks me right in the thumb and the margaritas turn in to a beautiful shower all over work. next, i hear... "we have a problem here", i turn around dripping in booze, and this guy has a nice array of booze on his little sport jacket.
he turns out to be an ok guy. i have to get his jacket dry cleaned, but thats fine. all he wanted was a club soda with a twist of lime, unfortunatly club soda won't get the margarita out of his jacket. haha. however, he still left me a tip!
i spent about 2 hours cleaning the bar tonight... it looks beautiful, and smells amazing. hahahahaha
i'm watching the wizard right now... one of my favorite movies ever... thanks to on demand. no store carries this movie.... seriously noooooooo one! i hate every store for this.
today was a great day none the less...... i got a promotion!! thats what life is about, moving forward.
PLUS... i got dizzy to come out tonight! benders is the kind of place where it's like a high school reunion. i hung out with soooo many people i love to see.
needless to say, i had a great day/night!
back to the wizard..... "send me an angel, right now."
question: can i get two blended margaritas? HA HA HA HA
MY NEW NAME AT WORK IS BLENDED. don't forget it. ha
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Nick does not feel good we think he has SIDS!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
McRib is the official shit-wich of the Apoclypse
True, the Apacoblog is about living like the apocolypse is here, but spare your asshole. Avoid the fucking McRib. God help you if this message has reached you too late. \\
Camping is IN-TENTS!!!
Anyway....let me break down what we had to drink.
4 pictchers of coors light and car bombs. yikes.
Maybe I'll be at DTC illegal petes tonight...beering it up.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Toby Mcguires first movie and his bad hair cut.
Everywhere I go I smell food...I must have a tumor.
Don't you DARE lose the smooth!
I ate spicy chicken burritos yet again. Our adventure started off with the usual suspects, ryan, ronnie and myself we were missing some of the core members such as nick and jason. SO ryan and ronnie and I went to the illegal petes in the DTC. Courtney, our local awesome chick was working the bar tonight. Courtney is this cool, very attractive, down to earth girl who I wish will become better friends with all of us over the next couple of months. Anyway she is getting us drunk and ready to start the evening. We meet some new people who work there and their names are thomas and jeff. Awesome dudes. So we get drunk and do some shots, I start dancing and getting myself worked up for the night a head. Courtney suggest we all go downtown to a place called "The Rock Bar". This place is weird. It smells like butt the instant I walk in. And I see about 45-50 people all dressed as if it's the 80's. Remember the 80's is gay despite a few good bands/movies. The bathroom smells like a donkey took a shit on the floor and decided to vomit afterwards. The floor was covered in what seemed like piss because no one was washing their hands(except me and my friends) and my shoes kept sticking to the floor, and it was not snowing outside so where did all that water come from? IT WAS PISS, STOP PISSING ON THE FLOOR YOU FUCKING ANIMALS! fuck!. Anyway we slam a couple PBR's which was not so bad considering they were warm and we start to get our dance on to really old school rock songs. I notice courtney has some cute friends so I start to stare and I get caught, opps my bad. Anyway now that I think about it nothing really crazy happend. We all had a great time and met new people and yea. Sweetness all around. We ate wendy's which was a plus. Oh! and before I totally forget we "supposedly" meet dime bag darrels cousin who as missing his two front teeth and two fingers from his left hand. I guess everyone calls him the "caveman" and I can see why.So everyone out there in TV land, don't lose the smooth and keep the fire burning toniiiiiiiight. Winter is fast approaching so hopefully we can all find nice ladies to spend those long nights with:)
now im just rambling. We saw a guy dressed really nice and decided he wasnt a homeless bum but just really drunk, until we saw him 2 hours later walking down colfax looking for change. Where the FUCK did he get that awesome suite? Anyway Im sleepy GO BRONCOS!
i'm ok, we won't leave till my pants are off...
lets start over.....
i woke up on saturday morning with no shoes, no socks, no pants, no briefs....... but..... but...... i left my shirt on......
i'm ausm, i'm not gonna lie.
i love my friends.... aparently i made a huge mess and they didn't call to make me clean it up. i owe them big time!
living like tomorrow won't happen, is no problem for me....... get over yourself, you're lame. ha ha.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
The aftermath...this will be a long day.
My kitched is destroyed and the cake molli made earlier in the evening was devoured by ryan. Oh, and if you were wondering about the rotten pumpkin...ryan ended up taking it home with him. I hope his walk with a rotten pumpkin across the complex was a fun one. What if those people were saving that rotten pumpkin to make pumpkin pie or, they were going to send it to africa to feed a massive family of 15? Will people eat rotten pumpkins? Im at work now and was hoping that daylight savings was today but its not so, im dead tired and im sitting here choking myself out with my bad gas.
Let me explain what this blog will be about over the next couple months.
We have decided to live like its the apocalypse. Which means we do what we want, when we want and so forth. Remember we are all going to die anyway so....anything goes. Way back in the day these people called "Myans" had a calander that predicted the world would end in 2012. That's not to far away, so why not live today like its 2012. We will post videos and pic's of our whacky adventures and everyone else should have a apaco-party as well. If you would lke to become an author please email me at: and I'll add you. So until then do whacky shit and dance like you're gonna DIE!