Sunday, November 4, 2007

Don't you DARE lose the smooth!

Tonight was not exactly an apaco-party but it was interesting none the less. So on that note let me begin...
I ate spicy chicken burritos yet again. Our adventure started off with the usual suspects, ryan, ronnie and myself we were missing some of the core members such as nick and jason. SO ryan and ronnie and I went to the illegal petes in the DTC. Courtney, our local awesome chick was working the bar tonight. Courtney is this cool, very attractive, down to earth girl who I wish will become better friends with all of us over the next couple of months. Anyway she is getting us drunk and ready to start the evening. We meet some new people who work there and their names are thomas and jeff. Awesome dudes. So we get drunk and do some shots, I start dancing and getting myself worked up for the night a head. Courtney suggest we all go downtown to a place called "The Rock Bar". This place is weird. It smells like butt the instant I walk in. And I see about 45-50 people all dressed as if it's the 80's. Remember the 80's is gay despite a few good bands/movies. The bathroom smells like a donkey took a shit on the floor and decided to vomit afterwards. The floor was covered in what seemed like piss because no one was washing their hands(except me and my friends) and my shoes kept sticking to the floor, and it was not snowing outside so where did all that water come from? IT WAS PISS, STOP PISSING ON THE FLOOR YOU FUCKING ANIMALS! fuck!. Anyway we slam a couple PBR's which was not so bad considering they were warm and we start to get our dance on to really old school rock songs. I notice courtney has some cute friends so I start to stare and I get caught, opps my bad. Anyway now that I think about it nothing really crazy happend. We all had a great time and met new people and yea. Sweetness all around. We ate wendy's which was a plus. Oh! and before I totally forget we "supposedly" meet dime bag darrels cousin who as missing his two front teeth and two fingers from his left hand. I guess everyone calls him the "caveman" and I can see why.So everyone out there in TV land, don't lose the smooth and keep the fire burning toniiiiiiiight. Winter is fast approaching so hopefully we can all find nice ladies to spend those long nights with:)
now im just rambling. We saw a guy dressed really nice and decided he wasnt a homeless bum but just really drunk, until we saw him 2 hours later walking down colfax looking for change. Where the FUCK did he get that awesome suite? Anyway Im sleepy GO BRONCOS!

1 comment:

Jumbo said...


There are no winners today. But I recieved the grand prize. For I felt the raw power of really smooth music.