Sunday, November 4, 2007

i'm ok, we won't leave till my pants are off...

ok so....... friday night i managed to drink a bit to much svedka...... that shit is the devil.

lets start over.....

i woke up on saturday morning with no shoes, no socks, no pants, no briefs....... but..... but...... i left my shirt on......

i'm ausm, i'm not gonna lie.

i love my friends.... aparently i made a huge mess and they didn't call to make me clean it up. i owe them big time!

living like tomorrow won't happen, is no problem for me....... get over yourself, you're lame. ha ha.

1 comment:

Jumbo said...

I'm lame? You're the asshole who tried to recycle all of his clothes. You silly bastard, blue jeans are neither glass nor aluminum.