Tuesday, November 13, 2007

This is a serious post.

I got up few minutes early this morning and turned on the T.V. s\to channel 9 and the Today show was on. Normally they have really terrible stories about something no one cares about until this story came on about a family with three young children and the mom got rear-ended and the three children were killed. Two young girls and one boy. Just a few months later the woman is pregnant again with guess what....two young girls and a boy! It's a miracle! I totally believe that they were destined to have children in thier lives. I believe in miracles and if you are feeling down about our life and concerned or in-different about how things are going, I suggest you wait for your own miracle. It might be small or big but it will happen to you. So please wait for it and give it time and things will work out for you.

Don't give up hope

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