Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Hey Paul, FUCK OFF

Ok, so everyone wants in on this sweet apacoblog thing. They're always like "I wanna party like I'm about to die!" Well, TOO FUCKIN BAD. Haha, JK JK OMG! You can still get in, but PAUL can't! I hate you Paul. You're douche. Ha-fucking-ha.

More updates to come from the jumbo soon. Keep checking back, and sign up, shoot us your email and get signed up... except for Paul. No Paul.

Lotsa Love, (Except for Paul)


oh paul michael said...
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oh paul michael said...

I will force feed you a corn-dog Nick, and then leave without flushing. ok?

Jumbo said...

Hey Paulie,

Sorry about earlier... I hadn't taken my medication. I'm better now. Much better now.