A challenge has been thrown my way by paul to find americas next great cougar. Before I give my decision on this matter I just want to say I may not come out a live. I may get devoured by this so called "cougar". If I don't make it please divide my belongings equally amongst the apacoblog group. Normally I only accept this sort of challenge is if there is a prize at stake...nah my fellow hunters, I will do this for pride and honor, am I making a big deal out of this....yes. So paul I accept and I will make everyone proud.
As I lace up my boots and put on my best cologne...I have one last thing to say. I only bag 5 star cougars.
Bravo my friend. We are all behind you on this one
you might need some single malt scotch - aged 18 years, the way she likes it!
Fuckin a, "I only bag 5-star cougars"? Haha. Good luck. Our sexy, swingin workout should help your achieve your 5-star lady. Go bag that b.
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