Saturday, November 24, 2007

Zac's Great American Cougar hunt.....

After his tiresome efforts of reading up on books, studying prey and weather-girls I feel a good old American challenge is in order. Whether its in the martini lounges of Denver, or ski resorts in Vail or Beaver Creek there will be a Kewg in the mist. Waiting... lurking...on the prowl for young prey.

I am tossing in Zac as the bait.
Can he lure her in?

Let us become familiar with this skillful hunter, The "Kewg" a.k.a Cougar.

Noun. A 35+ year old attractive female who is on the "hunt" for a much younger, energetic, willing-to-do-anything male. The cougar can frequently be seen in a padded bra, cleavage exposed, propped up against a swanky bar in San Francisco (or other cities)waiting, watching, calculating; gearing up to sink her claws into an innocent young and strapping buck who happens to cross her path. "Man is cougar's number one prey"

The challenge here is for Zac is to "bag" a Kewg that is worth a 5-star achievement. He will need to use all resources to become the clever prey and lure her in. The Kewgs are listed below in 3 different categories. 3-star, 4-star and the ultimate "bag" the 5-star cougar. Now needing to reach the 5-star he will need to add "requirements" to a 3, or 4-star kewg to meet this challenge.

3-Star Performance (meets listed below and needs 2 more "additional requirements" to make 5 star)

  • Over 35 and hot

  • She has had “work”done

4-Star Performance (meets all listed below plus one "additional requirement" make 5 star)

  • Over 38 and hot

  • She has had “work”done

  • At least 1 child

  • She drives her ex-husband's Mercedes or BMW

5-Star Performance Over 43 and hot (and meets one of the following:)

  • Owns private jet

  • She has had “work”done

  • She's still married-she and her husband like to swing

  • You bag the Kewg and her 18 year old kitten

  • She is famous, or was married to someone that was

  • She drives a car worth more than a year of school at Harvard

Additional requirements (add any below to a 3 or 4 star to make a 5-star)

At least one 1 child
Driving an automobile worth more than a year at Harvard University
You are younger than her oldest child
She has grand kids
She has a second house in Summit, Pitkin or Routt county
Her first home is in LA and her second home is in Colorado
Ex-husband is worth over $1million
Her job is to go to the mall, the gym, the spa, the tanning salon and/or PTA meetings
She’s famous, or divorced from someone famous
She spent over $100 on you in one night
She has absolutely no desire to “just talk” or “take it slow”
You are the first person she has been with in a year that didn’t need Viagra

good luck my friend.

Make us proud

Thanks to funkmasterb for the help on challenge and requirements.

1 comment:

Jumbo said...

excellent post my friend. Your descriptions of this cougar intrigue the mind and the downstairs mix-up. Your challenge will be one of the ages, written in the pages of history. This is Zac's life-long quest, NEH, his destiny.